
    Prof. Dr. Bastian Mei

    Raum: Room: NBCF 04/686
    Tel: +49 234 32 24121
    E-mail: bastian.mei(at)rub.de

    LebenslaufCurriculum Vitae  |   ForschungResearch  |   MitarbeiterStaff


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    The chemical transformation of small abundant molecules and bio-based compounds is essential for sustainable development of various industrial sectors. In line with the Global Goals, our research creates fundamental knowledge essential for the development of catalytic materials and their integration into emerging process concepts for energy conversion systems, and contributes to industrial decarbonization and process circularity.

    We combine our knowledge in physical chemistry and engineering to study complex multiphase (solid/gas/liquid) catalytic reaction systems stimulated by (solar) light or electrical energy. Moreover, we integrate thermal energy or other stimuli to synergistically improve catalytic performances. Reactions of interest include water oxidation, production of oxidizing chemicals, hydrogen generation, selective alcohol oxidation, oxidative decarboxylation of carboxylic acids and purification of (industrial) waste streams using metal oxides and carbon based compounds.

    The chemical transformation of small abundant molecules and bio-based compounds is essential for sustainable development of various industrial sectors. In line with the Global Goals, our research creates fundamental knowledge essential for the development of catalytic materials and their integration into emerging process concepts for energy conversion systems, and contributes to industrial decarbonization and process circularity.

    We combine our knowledge in physical chemistry and engineering to study complex multiphase (solid/gas/liquid) catalytic reaction systems stimulated by (solar) light or electrical energy. Moreover, we integrate thermal energy or other stimuli to synergistically improve catalytic performances. Reactions of interest include water oxidation, production of oxidizing chemicals, hydrogen generation, selective alcohol oxidation, oxidative decarboxylation of carboxylic acids and purification of (industrial) waste streams using metal oxides and carbon based compounds.

    Curriculum Vitae

    Postgraduate career
    since October 2022Full Professor (W2)
    Industrial Chemistry – Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
    2016 to 2022Assistant Professor
    PhotoCatalytic Synthesis (PCS) – University of Twente, Netherlands
    Topic: Photocatalytic and electrochemical (selective) oxidation: water and biomass
    2015 to 2016Postdoctoral researcher, Advisor: Prof. W. Schuhmann
    Analytical Chemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
    Topic: (Photo-)electrochemical water splitting
    2013 to 2015Postdoctoral researcher, Advisor: Prof. Ib Chorkendorff
    DTU Physics and Center for Individual Nanoparticle Functionality (CINF), Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark
    Topic: Development of protective coatings for efficient Si-based photoanodes
    Academic qualifications
    April 2013Dr. rer. nat. in Industrial Chemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
    University degree
    July 2009Master of Science in Chemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
    March 2008Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
    Internship and training
    2010Graduate student researcher (guest), Advisor: Prof. C. Li
    Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (DICP), Dalian, China
    Topic: UV/Vis Raman and Photoluminescence studies: Evaluation of the phase transition behavior of doped and codoped TiO2
    09/2007 to 02/2008Student researcher (guest), Advisor: Prof. G. A. Attard
    Electrochemical Surface Science, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales
    Topic: Effects of spontaneously deposited Au/Pd on Pt single crystals for the anodic ethanol oxidation in acidic and alkaline electrolyte

    Scientific Staff

    Dr. Ying KongNC 04/162ying.kong(at)rub.de
    M.Sc. Stephen FanenstichNBCF 04/693stephen.fanenstich(at)rub.de
    M.Sc. Mohamed El IdrissiNBCF 04/689mohamed.elidrissi(at)rub.de
    M.Sc. Ulrich FannangNC 04/162ulrich.fannang(at)rub.de
    M.Sc. Yannik HaverN-Süd 0/13yannik.haver(at)rub.de
    M.Sc. Anil ÖzdenNBCF 04/689anil.oezden(at)rub.de
    M.Sc. Jonathan Pöttker-MenkeNBCF 04/693jonathan.poettker-Menke(at)rub.de
    M.Sc. Zhangjie ZhaiNBCF 04/692zhangjie.zhai(at)rub.de
    B. Sc. Jonas HiepelNBCF 04/673jonas.hiepel(at)rub.de
    B. Sc. Alex KotiaginNBCF 04/673alex.kotiagin(at)rub.de
    B. Sc. Darshini SaravananNBCF 04/673darshini.saravanan(at)rub.de
    B. Sc. Marc SonsNBCF 04/673marc.sons(at)rub.de
    Kiril ShygaievNBCF 04/673kiril.shygaiev(at)rub.de
    staff photo